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时间:2023-09-05 10:18:02 来源:网友投稿



雅思真题 第1篇

The Pearl


Throughout history, pearls have held a unique presence within the wealthy

and For instance, the pearl was the favored gem of the wealthy

during the Roman This gift from the sea had been brought back from

the orient by the Roman Roman women wore pearls to bed so

they could be reminded of their wealth immediately upon waking Before

jewelers learned to cut gems, the pearl was of greater value than the

In the Orient and Persia Empire, pearls were ground into powders to cure

anything from heart disease to epilepsy, with possible aphrodisiac uses as

Pearls were once considered an exclusive privilege for A law in 1612

drawn up by the Duke of Saxony prohibited the wearing of pearls by nobility,

professors, doctors or their wives in an effort to further distinguish royal

American Indians also used freshwater pearls from the Mississippi

River as decorations and


There are essentially three types of pearls: natural, cultured and A

natural pearl (often called an Oriental pearl) forms when an irritant, such as

a piece of sand, works its way into a particular species of oyster, mussel, or

As a defense mechanism, the mollusk secretes a fluid to coat the

Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited on the irritant until a lustrous

pearl is


The only difference natural pearls and cultured pearls is that the irritant is

a surgically implanted bead or piece of shell called Mother of Often,

these shells are ground oyster shells that are worth

significant amounts of money in their own right as

irritant-catalysts for quality The resulting

core is, much larger than in a natural Yet,

as long as there are enough layers of nacre (the

secreted fluid covering the irritant) to result in a

beautiful, gem-quality pearl, the size of the nucleus

is of no consequence to beauty or


Pearls can come from either salt or freshwater Typically, saltwater

pearls tend to be higher quality, although there are several types of freshwater

pearls that are considered high in quality as Freshwater pearls tend to

be very irregular in shape, with a puffed rice appearance the most

Nevertheless, it is each individual pearls merits that determines value more

than the source of the Saltwater pearl oysters are usually cultivated in

protected lagoons or volcanic However, most freshwater cultured pearls

sold today come from Cultured pearls are the response of the shell to a

tissue A tiny piece of mantle tissue from a donor shell is transplanted

into a recipient This graft will form a pearl sac and the tissue will

precipitate calcium carbonate into this There are a number of options

for producing cultured pearls: use freshwater or seawater shells, transplant

the graft into the mantle or into the gonad, add a spherical bead or do it

The majority of saltwater cultured pearls are grown with


Regardless of the method used to acquire a pearl, the process usually takes

several Mussels must reach a mature age, which can take up t0 3 years,

and then be implanted or naturally receive an Once the irritant is

in place, it can take up to another 3 years for the pearl to reach its full

Often, the irritant may be rejected, the pearl will be terrifically misshapen, or

the oyster may simply die from disease or

countless other By the end

of a 5 t0 10 year cycle, only 50% of the

oysters will have And of the pearls

produced, only approximately 5% are of

substantial quality for top jewelry

From the outset, a pearl fanner can figure

on spending over $100 for every oyster

that is farmed, of which many will produce

nothing or


Imitation pearls are a different story

In most cases, a glass bead is

dipped into a solution made from fish

This coating is thin and may

eventually wear One can usually

tell an imitation by biting on Fake

pearls glide across your teeth, while the

layers of nacre on real pearls feel

The Island of Mallorca (in Spain) is known for its imitation pearl

Quality natural pearls are very rare The actual value of a natural pearl

is determined in the same way as it would be for other “precious”

The valuation factors include size, shape, color, quality of surface, orient

and In general, cultured pearls are less valuable than natural pearls,

whereas imitation pearls almost have no One way that jewelers can

determine whether a pearl is cultured or natural is to have a gem lab perform

an x-ray of the If the x-ray reveals a nucleus, the pearl is likely a beadnucleated

saltwater If no nucleus is present, but irregular and small dark

inner spots indicating a cavity are visible, combined with concentric rings of

organic substance, the pearl is likely a cultured Cultured freshwater

pearls can often be confused for natural pearls which present as homogeneous

pictures which continuously darken toward the surface of the Natural

pearls will often show larger cavities where organic matter has dried out and

Although imitation pearls look the part, they do not have the

same weight or smoothness as real pearls, and their luster will also dim

Among cultured pearls, Akoya pearls from Japan are some of the most

A good quality necklace of 40 Akoya pearls measuring 7mm in diameter sells

for about $1,500, while a super- high quality strand sells for about $4, Size

on the other hand, has to do with the age of the oyster that created the pearl (the

more mature oysters produce larger pearls) and the location in which the pearl

was The South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the larger

pearls; probably because the water along the coast line is supplied with rich

nutrients from the ocean Also, the type of mussel common to the area

seems to possess a predilection for producing comparatively large


Historically, the world’s best pearls came from the Persian Gulf, especially

around what is now The pearls of the Persian Gulf were natural

created and collected by breath-hold The secret to the special luster of

Gulf pearls probably derived from the unique mixture of sweet and salt water

around the Unfortunately, the natural pearl industry of the Persian Gulf

ended abruptly in the early 1930’s with the discovery of large deposits of

Those who once dove for pearls sought prosperity in the economic boom

ushered in by the oil The water pollution resulting from spilled oil

and indiscriminate over-fishing of oysters essentially ruined the once pristine

pearl producing waters of the Today, pearl diving is practiced only as

a Still, Bahrain remains one of the foremost trading centers for high

quality In fact, cultured pearls are banned from the Bahrain pearl

market, in an effort to preserve the location’s Nowadays, the largest

stock of natural pearls probably resides in Ironically, much of India’s

stock of natural pearls came originally from Unlike Bahrain, which

has essentially lost its pearl resource, traditional pearl fishing is still practiced

on a small scale in

雅思真题 第2篇









雅思真题 第3篇


Glad to meet you

How nice to see

Fancy seeing

How are you?

I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you

I’m glad to meet

I’m please to meet

It’s a pleasure to meet


Could you please rephrase that question / topic?

I’m not exactly sure what you mean…



Do you mean…?

If I understand right,…

I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?

I’m sorry, I’m not sure I Do you mean (that)…?

So am I right in saying…?

If I’ve got the picture, then…

So what you mean is…, right?

Sorry I don’t quite catch You mean…?

Can I get one thing clear?

Would I be correct in supposing…?


I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…

That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…

I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…


That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…

I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps…

Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I

That’s an interesting question…let me Well, I suppose that…

Yes, that’s a big

雅思真题 第4篇

但凡接触过雅思真题或曾经亲历雅思考场的考生大多对TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN (另一种写法为YES/NO/NOT GIVEN)的题型颇有印象,原因有二:





理解判断题的第一步是理解TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN的定义,逐一分析如下:

TRUE (YES)的定义为the statement agrees with the information/the views (claims) of the writer,即“此说法与原文信息/作者的观点或主张相符”。这里的重点信息在于agree with的概念,此选项并非要求题干与原文的内容一模一样,而只要符合原文信息即可。

举个例子说明,原文句子说“这个女生长得很漂亮”,那么题干说“这个女生长得很好看”或“这小姑娘长相真是还可以”都是与原文信息相符,此时考生要选TRUE (YES)。

FALSE (NO)的定义为the statement contradicts the information,即“如果此说法与原文信息相矛盾和抵触”。这里的重点信息在于contradict一词:contra是“相反”“相违背”的意思,dict则是“陈述”“说明”的意思。也就是说,应选FALSE的题干与原文信息是相矛盾、相违背、相抵触的,原文中给出的已知信息可以直接或经过合理推理否定掉题干的内容。


NOT GIVEN的定义为there is no information on this/it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this,即“此说法在原文中找不到”或“没法知道作者对此是怎么看的”。许多考生都将此视为最麻烦的一个选项,因为如果不能把整篇文章都看完并且看懂,每个NOT GIVEN的选项都是在惴惴不安的心情中写下的。

NOT GIVEN的情况其实可以分为以下两种:

① 原文中完全没有提及题干所说的相关内容,不过这种完全无中生有的题目比较罕见;

② 原文中提到的相关信息与题干内容不属于同一个范围或性质。

比如题干说“这个女生长得很好看”,而原文中提到的与“此女生”有关的内容是“这个女生是个善良的好孩子,这种情况下,长相和个性虽然都是在描述这个女生,但两者既不一致也不矛盾,此时考生应选NOT GIVEN。




TRUE (YES)的出题套路

① 直接说对



比如题干说long-term medical complaints,原文说chronic illnesses,考生就不但要认识long-term与chronic是同义替换关系,而且要明白medical与complaint组合在一起并不是“医疗投诉、医疗纠纷”这类意思,而是作为一个词组表示“疾病”。


② 间接说对

“间接说对”指的是有些题干需要根据原文某句话或几句话进行简单推理或综合理解才能判断其是TRUE (YES)。



例1:The survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local (《剑七》Test 2 Passage 3第34题)

原文:Interesting facts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding

解析:在定位到的原文句子里,考生虽然不能直接找到题干中的20%,但从原文中可以看出“本地范围内占80%”(80% was within the locality),就可以推断出“本地范围外有20%”,由此得出本题应选TRUE。

③ 复杂同义表述



例2:Nineteenth-century studies of the nature of genius failed to take into account the uniqueness of the person’s (《剑8》Test 3 Passage 2第19题)

原文:However, the difficulty with the evidence produced by these studies, fascinating as they are in collecting together anecdotes and apparent similarities and exceptions, is that they are not what we would today call In other words, when, for instance, information is collated about early illnesses, methods of upbringing, schooling, , we must also take into account information from other historical sources about how common or exceptional these were at the





FALSE (NO)的出题套路

① 直接、明显的矛盾和抵触


例3:Current thinking on humour has largely ignored Aristotle’s view on the (《剑5》Test 2 Passage 2第17题)

原文:But modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle’s belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either a nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second

解析:虽然这道题定位到的原文句子生词很多,句子很长,但是对于“Aristotle’s belief that …”后面的东西考生通通不用看。考生需要弄清楚的是,现在对幽默的研究有没有忽略亚里士多德(Aristotle)的观点,有这个原文中的settle on (选定)就可以直接判断出,题干与原文是相互矛盾与抵触的。

② 间接不明显的矛盾和抵触


例4:The 1993 Sydney survey involved 289 patients who visited alternative therapists for acupuncture (《剑4》Test 2 Passage 2第22题)

原文:In 1993, Laver and his colleagues published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended eight alternative therapists’ practices in These practices offered a wide range of alternative therapies from 25

解析:很多考生定位到上述原文句子之后,因为在原文句子中没有找到acupuncture (针灸疗法)这个不认识的词而选了NOT GIVEN选项。然而这里的两句话所给出的内容其实是可以否定掉题干的。从原文的意思可知,1993年悉尼调查里确实有289个病人,这些病人接受了八家诊所由25位治疗师提供的a wide range of (一系列)的治疗。换言之,这289位病人接受了各种治疗,由此可以反推知道他们接受的一定不是任何单一的治疗,而题干则说这289位病人接受的都是针灸疗法这一种,与原文产生矛盾,应选FALSE。


① 原文和题干的描述性质不同

这种出题思路对考生的英语阅读和理解水平要求都较高,因此按照这种思路出的题往往会让考生感到难以判断。举例说明,冷水与热水是矛盾的,因为它们都在描述“水的温度”这个属性;然而冷水与茶水则既不能说一致,也不能说彼此矛盾:这两者一个在说水的温度,另一个则说水的状态,此时考生应该选择NOT GIVEN。请看下面一个例子。

例5:Plato believed humour to be a sign of above-average (《剑5》Test 2 Passage 2第15题)

原文:Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over

解析:对比题干与定位到的原文,两者确实都是在说柏拉图对“幽默是什么”的表述,但原文说“幽默是感觉”,题干说“幽默是智商”,感觉和智商的性质不同,但并不彼此矛盾,此时考生应选NOT GIVEN。

② 把观点当事实,或把事实当观点


例6:The Lumiere Brothers’ film about the train was one of the greatest films ever (《剑6》Test 3 Passage 1第7题)

原文:One of the Lumiere Brothers’ earliest films was a 30-second piece which showed a section of a railway platform flooded with A train appears and heads straight for the And that is all that Yet the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists, described the film as a ‘work of ’

解析:对比原文和题干,考生应该明白,原文说“最伟大的导演之一安德烈·塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)认为这部电影是天才之作”既不能等同于题干的“这部电影确实是最伟大的作品之一”,也无法否定掉题干的说法,因此此题只能选NOT GIVEN这项。

③ 把原文里出现的两个没有进行比较的内容放在一起比较


例7:Early peoples found it easier to count by using their fingers rather than a group of (《剑6》Test 2 Passage 3第40题)

原文:Counting is not directly related to the formation of a number concept because it is possible to count by matching the items being counted against a group of pebbles, grains of corn, or the counter’s

解析:此题的题干是将用手指数数与用石头数数进行了对比,然而在定位到的原文中却没有进行此种比较。这种“没有比较的比较”算是比较常见的NOT GIVEN选项的出题套路。











这个问题其实最不应该发生在考场上,却往往是考生容易“大意失荆州”之处。举个笔者的学生曾经产生过误解的例子:“Archaeology is a more demanding field of study than ” 这个题干原本表达的意思是“考古学是一门比人类学更加艰深的研究领域”,笔者的学生却曾将它理解成“考古学比人类学需要做更多的田野调查”,出现这个问题的原因是考生将field与study之间的那个of看漏了。



雅思真题 第5篇





其次,虽然是阅读一些科普性的或者是教科书式的材料,基本词汇量还是要有的,尤其是学术词汇,这个比例不是特别高。大家在网上可以找到一个列表叫做ACADEMICWORD LIST,这个列表收集了很多学术论文、教材当中频繁出现的单词,如果你把这个列表里的词会背的很熟,你在雅思阅读当中所看到的词汇也不会特别陌生。


雅思真题 第6篇


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1


Cork - the thick bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber) - is a remarkable It is tough, elastic, buoyant, and fire-resistant, and suitable for a wide range of It has also been used for millennia: the ancient Egyptians sealed their sarcophagi (stone coffins) with cork, while the ancient Greeks and Romans used it for anything from beehives to

And the cork oak itself is an extraordinary Its bark grows up to 20 cm in thickness, insulating the tree like a coat wrapped around the trunk and branches and keeping the inside at a constant 20℃ all year Developed most probably as a defence against forest fires, the bark of the cork oak has a particular cellular structure - with about 40 million cells per cubic centimetre - that technology has never succeeded in The ceils are filled with air, which is why cork is so

It also has an elasticity that means you can squash it and watch it spring back to its original size and shape when you release the

Cork oaks grow in a number of Mediterranean countries, including Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and They flourish in warm, sunny climates where there is a minimum of 400 millimetres of rain per year, and not more than 800 Like grape vines, the trees thrive in poor soil, putting down deep roots in search of moisture and Southern Portugal’s Alentejo region meets all of these requirements, which explains why, by the early 20th century, this region had become the world’s largest producer of cork, and why today it accounts for roughly half of all cork production around the

Most cork forests are Many of these family businesses, and indeed many of the trees themselves, are around 200 years Cork production is, above all, an exercise in From the planting of a cork sapling to the first harvest takes 25 years, and a gap of approximately a decade must separate harvests from an individual And for top-quality cork, it’s necessary to wait a further 15 or 20 You even have to wait for the right kind of summer’s day to harvest If the bark is stripped on a day when it’s too cold - or when the air is damp - the tree will be

Cork harvesting is a very specialised No mechanical means of stripping cork bark has been invented, so the job is done by teams of highly skilled First, they make vertical cuts down the bark using small sharp axes, then lever it away in pieces as large as they can The most skilful cork- strippers prise away a semi-circular husk that runs the length of the trunk from just above ground level to the first It is then dried on the ground for about four months, before being taken to factories, where it is boiled to kill any insects that might remain in the Over 60% of cork then goes on to be made into traditional bottle stoppers, with most of the remainder being used in the construction Corkboard and cork tiles are ideal for thermal and acoustic insulation, while granules of cork are used in the manufacture of

Recent years have seen the end of the virtual monopoly of cork as the material for bottle stoppers, due to concerns about the effect it may have on the contents of the This is caused by a chemical compound called 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA), which forms through the interaction of plant phenols, chlorine and The tiniest concentrations - as little as three or four parts to a trillion - can spoil the taste of the product contained in the The result has been a gradual yet steady move first towards plastic stoppers and, more recently, to aluminium screw These substitutes are cheaper to manufacture and, in the case of screw caps, more convenient for the

The classic cork stopper does have several advantages, Firstly, its traditional image is more in keeping with that of the type of high quality goods with which it has long been Secondly - and very importantly - cork is a sustainable product that can be recycled without Moreover, cork forests are a resource which support local biodiversity, and prevent desertification in the regions where they are So, given the current concerns about environmental issues, the future of this ancient material once again looks

following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1 The cork oak has the thickest bark of any living

2 Scientists have developed a synthetic cork with the same cellular structure as natural

3 Individual cork oak trees must be left for 25 years between the first and second

4 Cork bark should be stripped in dry atmospheric

5 The only way to remove the bark from cork oak trees is by

Questions 6-13

Complete the notes

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each

Write your answers in boxes 6-13 on your answer

Comparison of aluminium screw caps and cork bottle stoppers

Advantages of aluminium screw caps

? do not affect the 6 ______ of the bottle contents

? are 7 ______ to produce

? are 8 ______ to use

Advantages of cork bottle stoppers

? suit the 9 ______ of quality products

? made from a 10 ______ material

? easily 11 ______

? cork forests aid 12 ______

? cork forests stop 13 ______ happening

雅思真题 第7篇

TEST 2 PASSAGE 2 参考译文:


A 40多年来食品价格一直呈上涨趋势。现在已经涨到了越来越多的人都认为太高的程度,很多人认为21 世纪面临的巨大挑战之一就是降低食品价格。然而,这代价不并非立即付现的。毕竟,相对于1960年而言,至少在西方国家,现在大多数食品按相对价值计算反而是便宜多了,这代价恰恰是使食品变便宜的生产方式本身所造成的间接伤害。这伤害包括现代工业化农业所造成的水资源污染,土壤贫瘠,野生动植物破坏,对动物权益的损害以及对人类健康的威胁。



D但这代价对社会的影响却是可以量化的,累积能高到吓人的地步。一项引人注目的将代价量化的活动已经完成。埃塞克斯大学社会与环境研究中心的主任Jules Pretty教授负责了该活动,他是位关注农业未来的领军思想家。Pretty教授和他的同事计算了某一年中英国农业外部经济效应的价值。他们综合了修复损坏所需的费用,得出的总数造二十三亿四千三百万英镑,具体到每公顷耕地和永久性牧场则为二百零八英镑,几乎和当年英国政府及欧盟在英国农业上的投人相当,据Pretty教授说这还是保守估计。





TEST 2 PASSAGE 3 参考译文:


Section A



Section B



Section C





Section D







Section E


Section F



雅思真题 第8篇


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1


The history of the world’s most luxurious fabric, from ancient China to the present day

Silk is a fine, smooth material produced from the cocoons — soft protective shells — that are made by mulberry silkworms (insect larvae). Legend has it that it was Lei Tzu, wife of the Yellow Emperor, ruler of China in about 3000 BC, who discovered One account of the story goes that as she was taking a walk in her husband’s gardens, she discovered that silkworms were responsible for the destruction of several mulberry She collected a number of cocoons and sat down to have a It just so happened that while she was sipping some tea, one of the cocoons that she had collected landed in the hot tea and started to unravel into a fine Lei Tzu found that she could wind this thread around her Subsequently, she persuaded her husband to allow her to rear silkworms on a grove of mulberry She also devised a special reel to draw the fibres from the cocoon into a single thread so that they would be strong enough to be woven into While it is unknown just how much of this is true, it is certainly known that silk cultivation has existed in China for several

Originally, silkworm farming was solely restricted to women, and it was they who were responsible for the growing, harvesting and Silk quickly grew into a symbol of status, and originally, only royalty were entitled to have clothes made of The rules were gradually relaxed over the years until finally during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD), even peasants, the lowest caste, were also entitled to wear Sometime during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), silk was so prized that it was also used as a unit of Government officials were paid their salary in silk, and farmers paid their taxes in grain and Silk was also used as diplomatic gifts by the Fishing lines, bowstrings, musical instruments and paper were all made using The earliest indication of silk paper being used was discovered in the tomb of a noble who is estimated to have died around 168

Demand for this exotic fabric eventually created the lucrative trade route now known as the Silk Road, taking silk westward and bringing gold, silver and wool to the It was named the Silk Road after its most precious commodity, which was considered to be worth more than The Silk Road stretched over 6,000 kilometres from Eastern China to the Mediterranean Sea, following the Great Wall of China, climbing the Pamir mountain range, crossing modern-day Afghanistan and going on to the Middle East, with a major trading market in From there, the merchandise was shipped across the Mediterranean Few merchants travelled the entire route; goods were handled mostly by a series of

With the mulberry silkworm being native to China, the country was the world’s sole producer of silk for many hundreds of The secret of silk-making eventually reached the rest of the world via the Byzantine Empire, which ruled over the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East during the period 330-1453 According to another legend, monks working for the Byzantine emperor Justinian smuggled silkworm eggs to Constantinople (Istanbul in modern-day Turkey) in 550 AD, concealed inside hollow bamboo walking The Byzantines were as secretive as the Chinese, however, and for many centuries the weaving and trading of silk fabric was a strict imperial Then in the seventh century, the Arabs conquered Persia, capturing their magnificent silks in the Silk production thus spread through Africa, Sicily and Spain as the Arabs swept through these Andalusia in southern Spain was Europe’s main silk-producing centre in the tenth By the thirteenth century, however, Italy had become Europe’s leader in silk production and Venetian merchants traded extensively in silk and encouraged silk growers to settle in Even now, silk processed in the province of Como in northern Italy enjoys an esteemed

The nineteenth century and industrialisation saw the downfall of the European silk Cheaper Japanese silk, trade in which was greatly facilitated by the opening of the Suez Canal, was one of the many factors driving the Then in the twentieth century, new manmade fibres, such as nylon, started to be used in what had traditionally been silk products, such as stockings and The two world wars, which interrupted the supply of raw material from Japan, also stifled the European silk After the Second World War, Japan’s silk production was restored, with improved production and quality of raw Japan was to remain the world’s biggest producer of raw silk, and practically the only major exporter of raw silk, until the However, in more recent decades, China has gradually recaptured its position as the world’s biggest producer and exporter of raw silk and silk Today, around 125,000 metric tons of silk are produced in the world, and almost two thirds of that production takes place in

Questions 1-9

Complete the notes

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each

Write your answers in boxes 1-9 on your answer


Early silk production in China

Around 3000 BC, according to legend:

- silkworm cocoon fell into emperor’s wife’s 1 __________

- emperor’s wife invented a 2 __________ to pull out silk fibres

Only 3 __________ were allowed to produce silk

Only 4 __________ were allowed to wear silk

Silk used as a form of 5 __________

- farmers’ taxes consisted partly of silk

Silk used for many purposes

- evidence found of 6 __________ made from silk around 168 AD

Silk reaches rest of world

Merchants use Silk Road to take silk westward and bring back 7 __________ and precious metals

550 AD: 8 __________ hide silkworm eggs in canes and take them to Constantinople

Silk production spreads across Middle East and Europe

20th century: 9 __________ and other manmade fibres cause decline in silk production

Questions 10-13

Do the following statements agree with the information in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

10 Gold was the most valuable material transported along the Silk

11 Most tradesmen only went along certain sections of the Silk

12 The Byzantines spread the practice of silk production across the

13 Silk yarn makes up the majority of silk currently exported from


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2

Great Migrations

Animal migration, however it is defined, is far more than just the movement of It can loosely be described as travel that takes place at regular intervals ?— often in an annual cycle — that may involve many members of a species, and is rewarded only after a long It suggests inherited The biologist Hugh Dingle has identified five characteristics that apply, in varying degrees and combinations, to all They are prolonged movements that carry animals outside familiar habitats; they tend to be linear, not zigzaggy; they involve special behaviours concerning preparation (such as overfeeding) and arrival; they demand special allocations of And one more: migrating animals maintain an intense attentiveness to the greater mission, which keeps them undistracted by temptations and undeterred by challenges that would turn other animals

An arctic tern, on its 20,000 km flight from the extreme south of South America to the Arctic circle, will take no notice of a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher’s boat along the While local gulls will dive voraciously for such handouts, the tern flies Why? The arctic tern resists distraction because it is driven at that moment by an instinctive sense of something we humans find admirable: larger In other words, it is determined to reach its The bird senses that it can eat, rest and mate Right now it is totally focused on the journey; its undivided intent is

Reaching some gravelly coastline in the Arctic, upon which other arctic terns have converged, will serve its larger purpose as shaped by evolution: finding a place, a time, and a set of circumstances in which it can successfully hatch and rear

But migration is a complex issue, and biologists define it differently, depending in part on what sorts of animals they Joe! Berger, of the University of Montana, who works on the American pronghorn and other large terrestrial mammals, prefers what he calls a simple, practical definition suited to his beasts: ‘movements from a seasonal home area away to another home area and back again’. Generally the reason for such seasonal back-and-forth movement is to seek resources that aren’t available within a single area

But daily vertical movements by zooplankton in the ocean — upward by night to seek food, downward by day to escape predators — can also be considered So can the movement of aphids when, having depleted the young leaves on one food plant, their offspring then fly onward to a different host plant, with no one aphid ever returning to where it

Dingle is an evolutionary biologist who studies His definition is more intricate than Berger’s, citing those five features that distinguish migration from other forms of They allow for the fact that, for example, aphids will become sensitive to blue light (from the sky) when it’s time for takeoff on their big journey, and sensitive to yellow light (reflected from tender young leaves) when it’s appropriate to Birds will fatten themselves with heavy feeding in advance of a long migrational The value of his definition, Dingle argues, is that it focuses attention on what the phenomenon of wildebeest migration shares with the phenomenon of the aphids, and therefore helps guide researchers towards understanding how evolution has produced them

Human behaviour, however, is having a detrimental impact on animal The pronghorn, which resembles an antelope, though they are unrelated, is the fastest land mammal of the New One population, which spends the summer in the mountainous Grand Teton National Park of the western USA, follows a narrow route from its summer range in the mountains, across a river, and down onto the Here they wait out the frozen months, feeding mainly on sagebrush blown clear of These pronghorn are notable for the invariance of their migration route and the severity of its constriction at three If they can’t pass through each of the three during their spring migration, they can’t reach their bounty of summer grazing; if they can’t pass through again in autumn, escaping south onto those windblown plains, they are likely to die trying to overwinter in the deep Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision and speed to keep safe from predators, traverse high, open shoulders of land, where they can see and At one of the bottlenecks, forested hills rise to form a V, leaving a corridor of open ground only about 150 metres wide, filled with private Increasing development is leading toward a crisis for the pronghorn, threatening to choke off their

Conservation scientists, along with some biologists and land managers within the USA’s National Park Service and other agencies, are now working to preserve migrational behaviours, not just species and A National Forest has recognised the path of the pronghorn, much of which passes across its land, as a protected migration But neither the Forest Service nor the Park Service can control what happens on private land at a And with certain other migrating species, the challenge is complicated further — by vastly greater distances traversed, more jurisdictions, more borders, more dangers along the We will require wisdom and resoluteness to ensure that migrating species can continue their journeying a while

Questions 14-18

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

14 Local gulls and migrating arctic terns behave in the same way when offered

15 Experts’ definitions of migration tend to vary according to their area of

16 Very few experts agree that the movement of aphids can be considered

17 Aphids’ journeys are affected by changes in the light that they

18 Dingle’s aim is to distinguish between the migratory behaviours of different

Questions 19-22

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G,

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 19-22 on your answer

19 According to Dingle, migratory routes are likely to

20 To prepare for migration, animals are likely to

21 During migration, animals are unlikely to

22 Arctic terns illustrate migrating animals’ ability to

A be discouraged by

B travel on open land where they can look out for

C eat more than they need for immediate

D be repeated

E ignore

F be governed by the availability of

G follow a straight

Questions 23-26

Complete the summary

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each

Write your answers in boxes 23-26 on your answer

The migration of pronghorns

Pronghorns rely on their eyesight and 23 __________ to avoid One particular population’s summer habitat is a national park, and their winter home is on the 24 __________, where they go to avoid the danger presented by the snow at that time of However, their route between these two areas contains three 25 One problem is the construction of new homes in a narrow 26 __________ of land on the pronghorns’


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3

Preface to ‘How the other half thinks: Adventures in mathematical reasoning’

A Occasionally, in some difficult musical compositions, there are beautiful, but easy parts — parts so simple a beginner could play So it is with mathematics as There are some discoveries in advanced mathematics that do not depend on specialized knowledge, not even on algebra, geometry, or Instead they may involve, at most, a little arithmetic, such as ‘the sum of two odd numbers is even’, and common Each of the eight chapters in this book illustrates this Anyone can understand every step in the

The thinking in each chapter uses at most only elementary arithmetic, and sometimes not even Thus all readers will have the chance to participate in a mathematical experience, to appreciate the beauty of mathematics, and to become familiar with its logical, yet intuitive, style of

B One of my purposes in writing this book is to give readers who haven’t had the opportunity to see and enjoy real mathematics the chance to appreciate the mathematical way of I want to reveal not only some of the fascinating discoveries, but, more importantly, the reasoning behind

In that respect, this book differs from most books on mathematics written for the general Some present the lives of colorful Others describe important applications of Yet others go into mathematical procedures, but assume that the reader is adept in using

C I hope this book will help bridge that notorious gap that separates the two cultures: the humanities and the sciences, or should I say the right brain (intuitive) and the left brain (analytical, numerical). As the chapters will illustrate, mathematics is not restricted to the analytical and numerical; intuition plays a significant The alleged gap can be narrowed or completely overcome by anyone, in part because each of us is far from using the full capacity of either side of the To illustrate our human potential, I cite a structural engineer who is an artist, an electrical engineer who is an opera singer, an opera singer who published mathematical research, and a mathematician who publishes short

D Other scientists have written books to explain their fields to non-scientists, but have necessarily had to omit the mathematics, although it provides the foundation of their The reader must remain a tantalized spectator rather than an involved participant, since the appropriate language for describing the details in much of science is mathematics, whether the subject is expanding universe, subatomic particles, or Though the broad outline of a scientific theory can be sketched intuitively, when a part of the physical universe is finally understood, its description often looks like a page in a mathematics

E Still, the non-mathematical reader can go far in understanding mathematical This book presents the details that illustrate the mathematical style of thinking, which involves sustained, step-by-step analysis, experiments, and You will turn these pages much more slowly than when reading a novel or a It may help to have a pencil and paper ready to check claims and carry out

F As I wrote, I kept in mind two types of readers: those who enjoyed mathematics until they were turned off by an unpleasant episode, usually around fifth grade, and mathematics aficionados, who will find much that is new throughout the

This book also serves readers who simply want to sharpen their analytical Many careers, such as law and medicine, require extended, precise Each chapter offers practice in following a sustained and closely argued line of That mathematics can develop this skill is shown by these two testimonials:

G A physician wrote, ‘The discipline of analytical thought processes [in mathematics] prepared me extremely well for medical In medicine one is faced with a problem which must be thoroughly analyzed before a solution can be The process is similar to doing ’

A lawyer made the same point, ‘Although I had no background in law — not even one political science course — I did well at one of the best law I attribute much of my success there to having learned, through the study of mathematics, and, in particular, theorems, how to analyze complicated Lawyers who have studied mathematics can master the legal principles in a way that most others ’

I hope you will share my delight in watching as simple, even na?ve, questions lead to remarkable solutions and purely theoretical discoveries find unanticipated

Questions 27-34

Reading Passage 3 has seven sections,

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 27-34 on your answer

NB You may use any letter more than

27 a reference to books that assume a lack of mathematical knowledge

28 the way in which this is not a typical book about mathematics

29 personal examples of being helped by mathematics

30 examples of people who each had abilities that seemed incompatible

31 mention of different focuses of books about mathematics

32 a contrast between reading this book and reading other kinds of publication

33 a claim that the whole of the book is accessible to everybody

34 a reference to different categories of intended readers of this book

Questions 35-40

Complete the sentences

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each

Write your answers in boxes 35-40 on your answer

35 Some areas of both music and mathematics are suitable for someone who is a

36 It is sometimes possible to understand advanced mathematics using no more than a limited knowledge of

37 The writer intends to show that mathematics requires __________ thinking, as well as analytical

38 Some books written by __________ have had to leave out the mathematics that is central to their

39 The writer advises non-mathematical readers to perform __________ while reading the

40 A lawyer found that studying __________ helped even more than other areas of mathematics in the study of

雅思真题 第9篇

Describe a person who was helpful to your work or

You should say:

Who it was;

What this person did;

How this person helped;

and explain how you felt after this person helped




My colleague Jenny was the answer to the She is a warm-hearted and smart The first two months in my current company was a hard time when I met all kinds of I couldn’t adapt to the new environment or catch the pace of the But as a newbie, I really wanted to perform Everyone seemed unfriendly and cold except Jenny saw through my awkwardness and uneasiness in the first week because I was always the latest one to One day she seemed to intentionally wait for me for a long time to go with her and asked me what she could do for Since we were in the same department, I was very thankful to her I expressed my confusions and helplessness of my She gave me some useful advice and time management Offering her working experience, she showed a great sense of understanding to my In the following days, she even encouraged me to communicate with other Everything began to be on track since

I once asked Jenney that why she was willing to offer me so much help during that She said she thought that I was a great and ambitious And more importantly, I looked like her little Oh my It’s my look that plays a role! However, I will appreciate her kindness all the The story told me to be more open minded to a new There are always nice guys who are willing to make contacts with Moreover, try to become a warm-hearted and enthusiastic person just like Be a torch that will illuminate others’ dark sky, which is also worthwhile to remember when you are

雅思真题 第10篇

Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other Do you think the positive effects exceed the negative effects?


客观现象的优缺点题型 对idea无明显限制的观点题 对idea有限制的观点题

对于第和第3类题型。等到具体雅思写作题目是给大家做具体的解释。该题属于第一类。这类题中,考官出题会频繁地使用 “advantages”“disadvantages”“positive””negative”等关键字。通常来说此类雅思写作题目在想法上对于考生没有过多 的限制,因此,从这个角度上来讲,此类雅思写作题目偏简单。





促进了不同国家,不同地域人的交流 等等




下面提供上述素材中其中一个的具体行文 (此趋势丰富了人的生活):




An individual having had breakfast in Virginia could enjoy the enchanting night over the Forbidden

Everyone has a desire to experience a desire to visit a place that one has never been to and to have knowledge of how people in other parts of the world Whereas, in the past when distances were a barrier, our ancestors were deprived of the chance, being only able to reach a land within several days’ However, this has not been a concern thanks to this The convenience of transport has allowed an individual having had breakfast in Virginia to enjoy the enchanting night over the Forbidden


Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and


Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous This will pose a threat to local security and community


with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious


To sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive


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