工作期望 Job Expectation |
申请职位Job Title: | | | 近期照片Recent Photo |
岗位类别Category: | | |
工作性质Type of Job: | 长期工作□ Permanent | 短期工作□ Temporary | 任意□ Any | |
最低薪金Min. Salary: | | 每月Per Month | |
可工作日起Date Available: | | |
个人资料 General Information |
中文姓名Chinese Name: | | 英文姓名English Name: | |
出生日期Date of Birth: | | 婚姻状况Marital Status: | | 性别Sex: | |
家庭住址Address: | | | | 邮政编码Zip Cord: | |
| | 身高Height | | 厘米Cm | 体重Weight | | 公斤Kg |
| | | | | | | |
家庭状况 Family Status |
家庭成员Family Member: | 姓名Name: | 职业/职位Occupation/Position | 联系电话Telephone |
父亲Father: | | | |
母亲Mother: | | | |
配偶Spouse: | | | |
子女Children: | | | |
教育程度 Education |
| 学校名称Name of School | 期间Duration | 专业Specialty | 学位Degree | 是否毕业Graduated?(Y/N) |
从From | 至To |
目前就读Present Studies | | | | | | |
大学University | | | | | | |
大专College | | | | | | |
高中High School | | | | | | |
其它Others | | | | | | |
语言水平 Language |
| 会话Spoken | 阅读Reading | 书写Written |
良好Good | 一般Fair | 略懂Poor | 良好Good | 一般Fair | 略懂Poor | 良好Good | 一般Fair | 略懂Poor |
英语English | | | | | | | | | |
日语Japanese | | | | | | | | | |
韩国语Korean | | | | | | | | | |
技巧与技能 Skills & Abilities |
□ 微机打字Word Typing | □ 档案管理 Filing | □ |
□ 电脑操作Computer Operation | □ 收 款 机 Cashier Register | □ |
□ 驾驶执照Driving License | □ | |
□ 紧急抢救First Aid | □ | |
工作经历Employment Record |
以前公司名称Name of Previous Company | 期间Period | 职位Position | 最后薪水Last Salary | 离职原因Reason For Leaving |
从Form | 至To |
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| | | | | |
证明人 Reference |
姓名Name | 职业Occupation | 地址Address | 联系电话Telephone |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
兴趣与爱好 Interests & Hobbies |
请列举阁下之兴趣与爱好Please list your hobbies & interests: |
其它资料 Other Information |
在相关处以“V”表示Mark with a “V” in the right collum | 是Yes | 否No | 如有,请说明详情State the nature, if any |
曾否因行为或工作不佳而被辞退Have you ever been dismissed because your conduct or unsatisfactory performance? | | | |
曾否因违反法律行为而被判刑或劳动教养Have you ever been convict4d of a crime? | | | |
曾否患有严重疾病、受伤或接受手术治疗Have you ever suffered any serious injuries, illness or operation? | | | |
是否愿意接受公司对仪容仪表方面的要求Are you willing to obey the rules concerned you appearance? | | | |
宣言 DECLARATION: 本人在该申请书中所填写的一切均属实且准确。如有隐瞒或虚报,自愿接受立即解雇之处分。本人授权调查上述资料的真实性。 All the information provided by me in this application form are true and correct. Any false statement or dishonest answer to any questions is sufficient for immediate termination. I also authorize investigation of the above information for the purpose of verification. |
申请人签名 Applicant’s Signature: | | 日期Date: | |
联系方式 Contact Information |
家庭电话Home Phone: | | 工作电话Work Phone: | |
电子邮件E-mail: | | | |
紧急情况下的联系人 Person to Be Notified in Case of Emergency |
关系Relationship | 姓名Name | 地址Address | 联系电话Telephone |
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